Our teachers are expert guides.

Our fully-qualified teachers bring years of experience and qualifications, and are experts in providing excellent early childhood education. They spark curiosity and nurture children to make their own discoveries about the world around them.

  • Anna Gatie


    Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, and Montessori Teaching Diploma, UK, 2002

    Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood), Auckland University, 2018

    Anna is a qualified, fully registered early childhood teacher who joined Epsom Community Creche in 2018 after 10 years teaching at Montessori centres in the UK. Upon return to New Zealand, Anna completed a graduate diploma to become registered to teach locally. Her teaching philosophy is underpinned by her love of nature, belief in a strong community Montessori background, and deep belief in the importance of our children’s earliest years. Outside of Creche, Anna spends her time trail running with her family or on the side-line of her three children’s many sporting activities!

  • Debbie McGurk


    Bachelor of Education, Teaching (Early Childhood), Auckland University, 2007

    Debbie is a qualified, fully registered early childhood teacher who has spent nearly two decades providing fun, creative, early learning experiences to young children. She is passionate about offering play-centred learning and has been a first teacher for hundreds of children since she began working at Epsom Community Creche in 2009. When she’s not at Creche, you’ll find Debbie training for a run with friends, spending time with her two adult children or deep in a good book.

  • Rose Lewington


    Bachelor of Education, Teaching (Early Childhood), Auckland University, 2007

    Rose is a qualified, fully registered early childhood teacher. Her deeply-held belief that children learn best through play has driven her teaching journey, and she loves to teach, support, guide, observe and actively listen to children as they play with a collaborative teaching team and involved whanau.

Come experience the magic of play.